睿睿: 我跌倒然後哥哥笑我,我不喜歡他笑我啦...
2017年9月27日 星期三
(碎碎念)嘟嘟的summer camp
今年幫嘟嘟找Burnaby的summer camp, 前三周社區辦的半天課,後兩周Pear Tree的課程(9am – 3pm)。嘟嘟都很喜歡,說他明年都要參加全天課程。然後回來台灣後,我覺得他有小小的轉變就是變得更積極發表意見,但也比較靜不下來思考。
嘟嘟參加的pear tree summer camp topic:
嘟嘟參加的pear tree summer camp topic:
Super Structures (5-6)
Do you like to build things? Are you an aspiring engineer? Then this hands-on exploration course is for you!
During this course, you will learn basic building principals and apply your knowledge by taking part in daily structure challenges!
You will learn how to apply critical thinking skills, how to be a creative designer and problem-solver, and apply math, science and design concepts using a variety of building materials, including straws, paper, clay, blocks, K’Nex, Lego and even eggs!
Our Community (5-6)
We will explore the roles of various important members of our community, including fire fighters, construction workers, doctors, police officers and veterinarians.
These roles will be explored through art, literature, and dramatic play. Students will take on the roles of different community members, design their own town, and learn how they fit in our community.
文章 (Atom)
昨天試夾我新買的夾子時,發現一根翹起來的短白髮 我: 嘟嘟,來幫我拔這根白頭髮 嘟: 白頭髮很正常啊,幹嘛拔它? 我: 我就想拔咩~ 嘟: 難道你老了,全部頭髮都變白,要整頭拔掉嗎? 我: ......(你說服我了orz) 我買了一件飄逸長裙,裙子基體上另接縫兩塊布作飄逸的...
喜歡畫畫的睿終於要開始學畫畫啦~ 選的是北投的蘇荷美術教室。 基礎班要上兩個學期,一學期8堂課。 基礎上學期學的是冷暖色調- 同色調練習 。 20191205- 冷暖天空 天空中搭降落傘的人 天空有飛碟與外星人 20191212- 同色調練習...
最近嘟嘟偶而會想挑戰乘法題目,叫我們出題。當然很多還是不會算、不想算,然後轉身做積木,不過有幾個他想出的算法真讓人耳目一新阿。 6*6 嘟嘟說就是(2 4 6) (8 10 12) (14 16 18) (20 22 24) (26 28 30) (32 34 36) 等於...
今年9/5嘟嘟學琴三年終於參加人生第一次鋼琴比賽-Yamaha 兒童創作發表徵選(JOC 47th)。 其實也不算正式比賽,是徵選。而且因為肺炎疫情的關係,今年採錄影方式,所以是沒觀眾的,好處是比較不會緊張,缺點是沒辦法順便欣賞其他小朋友的表演。 經過漫長的等待,不久前聽到老師說...